Free Tutoring

  • Step 1

    Sign up! Fill out the google form candidly. Talking Translations priotiizes students that are low-income or have a parent that is a first responder but if you do not think you fit that criteria you are welcome to sign up! However, preference and time slot selection will go to those who meet the following recommended criteria! If you want to be a tutor you will also use the same link! However, as a tutor the only requirement is that you submit a transcript or an SAT/ACT or a AP score to verify that you have mastered the content that you want to study.

  • Step 2

    Your application will be approved and you will be sent an email from us indicating if you are eligible or ineligible for free tutoring. At this next step we will match you with one of our academically qualified tutors as well. If you feel like your tutor is not a good match you can always feel free to reach out for a new tutor as well. If you applied as a tutor then you will also be matched with a client. As a tutor you will be responsible for setting up the zoom meeting as well

  • Step 3

    By this time it’s time to connect with your tutor. We ask that you treat your designated tutor professionally and with respect and we also ask that you have material prepared prior to your consultation as well. You will be guaranteed one free session a week and potentially more depending on tutor availability. If you decide to cancel you MUST inform your tutor at least 24 hours prior to the session. If you have more than 3 or more no-shows you will be disqualified from participating in our services.