Write for Our Lives
Inspired by the March for Our Lives initiative Write for our Lives intends to foster political advocacy especially amongst the younger population. Write for our lives intends to encourage students from all age groups and walks of life to email or write to their local representatives about political legislation that they feel passionately about some topics include but are not limited to are gun control, abortion, and climate change. At Talking Translations we will not disadvantage or discriminate based on your political beliefs so as long as you participate you will be guaranteed volunteer service hours. Letters must be around 250 words to earn an our of volunteer service. To be awarded volunteer service hours you must send adequate proof in the form of a screenshot or image of the letter being sent as well as a word count attached to the email as well as a PDF or a copy of your volunteer service hour verification form to our email at talkingtranslations@gmail.com after you have signed up!