75% of published research is in English yet 87% of the world doesn't not speak English which leads to a huge disconnect and lack of information particularly research to non-native speakers. At Talking Translations, we attempt to bridge this gap by translating research into useable infographics or articles informing the rest of the international community about topics such as Climate Change where non-English speaking countries especially those in Asia and Africa are being disproportionally affected by Climate Change. However, our work is not just limited to climate change, in fact we encourage you to find research in other languages not in English about fields you are passionate about! You will be awarded service hours by finding pertinent and relevant articles to a research topic of your choosing you will be awarded 15 minutes of community service for each research peer reviewed paper that you find on a topic of your choosing. After you have signed up, please email with a link to your article(s) as well as your volunteer service hours verification sheet that must be in a PDF or word document format. Remember, you are encouraged to write/make content in a language that is not English.